Prayer to the Infant Jesus of Prague
for Obtaining and Preserving Temporal Goods
O Divine Infant! source of all good, the goodness of Your Heart is infinite , and the bounty of Your little hand is immeasurable.
Like a river, You pour forth Your gifts over thirsty mankind, and fill us with blessings in time and in eternity.
If You do not preserve our temporal goods, our industry will be useless and in vain.
Almighty Infant, lift Your little hand and bless my temporal possessions; take them under Your powerful protection, and keep them from misfortune and loss.
Give me the necessary grace to use my temporal goods according to Your will, to employ myself usefully after Your pleasure, and to give joy to my neighbor through love of You, that I may lay up treasure in heaven, where no thief can enter, nor moth nor rust destroy. Amen.