It's an Obscenity
by Truth Seeker
For a long time, I've prayed to St. Lucy
that God grant our family
healthy eyes and very good eyesight
so that we can see what He wants us to see
and not see what He doesn't want us to see
Now, with all the images of the Haiti quake,
I find myself not wanting to open my eyes.
It's an obscenity to look, Lord,
but He tells me " OPEN AND LOOK !"
After all, I can only donate so much;
I can only pray so much but,
I can certainly LOOK and FEEL.
With this I can show that I AM ALIVE
and that I CARE.
If I change channels to a football game,
game show or other entertainment program
I feel that I am turning my back on this tragedy.
What an unfortunate lot we humans must draw sometimes - - -
being born in Haiti against being born in the USA.
And yet, I must believe,
appearances are not always as they seem.
The Haitian people have suffered through hell
for over 200 years and now this.
As Galatians 6:7 says: "A man reaps what he sows."
I must say, many Haitians won't be reaping any good
in this world but most certainly in the next.
God bless Haiti and its people. Amen.