Here I Come to Save the Day !
Mighty Mouse was my first superhero... followed by the Long Ranger...
then by Superman... then Batman...
then by Spiderman... followed by Iron Man...
and the list ended with two or three more.
I don't recall anyone in my childhood years
ever telling me Jesus is the greatest Superhero.
After all, He didn't fit the type - - - no red cape, you know.
The big picture in my house of the Sacred Heart inspired
reverance in me but no boyhood awe and wonder.
Thank God for the nuns in Catholic school and the daily
Catechism questions I memorized nightly and
recited the next school day.
But you see, little problems call for little superheroes;
it's the big ones that call for the real McCoy - - - Our Lord.
Sometimes a death of a parent will bring Him and His Blessed Mother
(the real Wonder Woman) to the child's side in no time flat.
A subsequent mental illness is liable to empty
heaven's rafters of its saints.
Truth Seeker