Our Unseen Friend
God assigns our Guardian Angels to us when we're conceived.
Each Angel's mission is, quite simply, to assist
in our immortal souls' attainment of eternal life and, if possible,
to keep our mortal bodies safe from harm and evil.
After Jesus and Mary, our Guardian Angels are our best friends.
They know our lives like a book.
They know why we did something or didn't do something.
They are our reliable witnesses.
They're our constant companions even when we're alone.
They are accurate recorders of our virtues and our sins.
Our trespasses cause them grief because they know
they'll have to testify to them in front of God.
Whatever we wish to be kept secret,
they'll have to blurt out loud on Judgment Day.
Our thoughts are never hidden from them.
The current world population is roughly 7 billion;
that means there's that many Guardian Angels on earth.
I'm sure that they network with each other with the goal
of assuring the salvation of their assigned keeps.
Sometimes, we may wonder, why we meet certain people.
Besides Divine Providence as an explanation, I think our
Guardian Angels might be involved for our best intentions.
Likewise, we at times part ways with certain people for similar reasons.
We should pray to our Guardian Angels and those of our loved ones
and thank them for their constant protection.
Truth Seeker