Don't Crowd God Out of Your Life
I took a short visit around the Blogger site.
Just to survey the competition, you know?
I must have glanced thru around twenty profiles.
What I witnessed wasn't pretty, let me tell you.
Almost to a man (or woman) people said
they were all having a ball doing a lot of things.
The activities and hobbies boggle the mind.
What was conspicuously absent in most
was any mention of God or religion.
Could be they don't consider Him "cool"
with some people devoting just an hour and a half
on Sunday... period... no more (except when
they get into trouble of some sort).
I think there's no excuse today for more people
not to have God as the major force in their lives.
And don't tell me that they don't have enough
time to spend in prayer with Him.
If they have time for Facebook, Twitter, Kindle,
cable TV and all the other time-consuming pastimes
now in vogue, they have plenty of time to spare.
Matt 10:32-33 NIV
32 "Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven.
33 But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.
It seems that the more things we cram into our lives,
the emptier they become.
Only God can fill our void and emptiness...
no other occupation will suffice.
I consider myself blessed to have had several epiphanies
starting seventeen years ago.
My life radically changed - - - not without much tribulation.
Since then, friends, colleagues, hobbies, etc. take a distant
back seat to God.
Truth Seeker