Life Ain't No Picnic
Things are never easy
I think we'd all agree
But sometimes it seems
Even our best laid schemes
Go awry at the worst time
You could almost call it a crime
When I was little I thought I could fly
No sky appeared too high
Doors opened and beckoned
And I darted through them in a second
But as I aged, life dragged me down
And turned my smile into a frown
Every day a new ache beset me
And I found it hard to be depression free
From the animal world I learned much
Not to use my pains as a crutch
Take the industrious ant for example
Proof of its laboriousness is ample
It teaches us the value of determination
Without being defeated by frustration
So why should I let trouble win the day
Let my model, the tiny ant, show the way
Truth Seeker